“A combination of science, data analytics, technology, and innovation. Delivering good medicine through a superior position in the blood testing market.”

Consult4HealthXP is a Healthcare Company that aggregates critical Healthcare Products and Services to provide cost-effective Healthcare and Wellness Programs.

Our Non-Invasive Dry Blood Card Collection Kit enables simple finger prick blood collection. The most affordable way to deliver “the lab” to the masses! Over 53 Blood Assays are currently compatible with our Dry Blood Collection technology.

We have developed assays for most of the routine Clinical Chemistry tests, Hormones, Allergy testing, STD’s (HIV, Syphilis, & Herpes), COVID-19 antibodies, and have research and development in process for DNA and RNA extraction and analysis. See our list of 53 different targeted Blood Assays that have been developed.

  • The Dry Blood Card Collection Kit contains a dry blood spot collection card that has been in use since 2014.
  • Our dry blood card is being used daily in a variety of the top US laboratories.
  • The dry blood collection card is a Class 1 medical transport device that allows whole blood collection and provides easy transportation without the need for refrigeration or special handling other than what is provided in the Kit.
  • The storage shelf life has proved to last without issue. Tests have shown, once the blood drop samples have been collected they have stability up to 165°F.

Currently, our primary focus is expanding the availability of the Dry Blood Card Collection Kit to provide access to different blood assays in a new, easy, and convenient way.

In the coming months be on the lookout for even more innovative products and services brought to you by Consult4HealthXP and partners! We are devoted to taking the guesswork and hoops to jump through out of the medical industry; delivering good medicine in an easy and convenient way.