• Our patented Non-Invasive Dry Blood Card Collection Kit enables simple finger prick blood collection. The most affordable way to take “the lab” to the masses!
  • The Dry Blood Card Collection technology is capable of running over 53 Blood Assays
  • The Dry Blood Card Collection Kit allows for more versatile use in remote settings all over the world, the simple collection steps make it so easy there is no need for trained medical personnel, like a phlebotomist.
  • Eliminates the need for cold storage test tubes, dangerous needles, and painful vein punctures for most routine clinical chemistry tests.
  • The dry blood collection card has been used for over eight years in a variety of the top US laboratories.
  • The storage shelf life has proved to last without issue  and our studies continue beyond.
  • The card has been tested for stability up to 165°F and can be kept in our special transport bag for up to 2 months.
  • The dry blood collection card is not a test kit, the dry blood card is listed as a Class 1 Specimen Transport Device.

Everything needed for sample collection and transportation is included in the kit

  • Alcohol pad
  • Lancet (2)
  • Bandages

  • Blood card
  • Transportation Bag

  • Return Shipping Bag

  • Barcode label
  • Return Shipping Label available for print or download from the registration site

Register The Kit

Scan the QR code included in your kit to register it online.

  • We have an unique and patented blood collection device for collecting and transporting blood samples to a lab without the need of special handling or packaging.
  • We offer many different blood panels and assays that include wellness for both men and women’s health: as well as other key panels for health screening.
  • Eliminates the need to visit a lab, medical clinic or mobile phlebotomy, special handling or refrigeration, saves time and money and can significantly increase the amount of testing.
  • We offer QR Code technology for registering the Kit with Patients, Labs and Doctors.
  • Manufactured in the USA!